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Tuition and Fees at Covenant Academy

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Tuition By Grade

Annual Tuition

Part-time Pre-K (3-Day)


Full-time Pre-K (5-Day)


Grammar School (Kinder-6th Grade)


Logic School (Grades 7-9)


Rhetoric School (Grades 10-12)


FACTS Annual Enrollment Fee

$20 - $50

Flexible Tuition Payment Plans

Annual Tuition at Covenant Academy offers flexible payment plans through FACTS Tuition Management:

  • One Lump Sum: Pay on June 1 for a 5% discount.
  • Bi-Annual Payments: Due July 1 and December 1.
  • Monthly Payments: Ten payments starting July 1, excluding January, ending May 1.
  • Prorated Tuition: For students enrolling after the first full month, tuition is prorated based on the remaining months.
  • Annual Tuition at Covenant Academy offers flexible payment plans through FACTS Tuition Management:

Application & Enrollment Fees

Our Enrollment/Registration Fee covers a portion of the cost of classroom textbooks, disposable workbooks, technology expenses, and other classroom materials essential to your student’s education.




Online Application Fees



Online Enrollment/Registration Fee*



*Due within 14 days of application acceptance for new students or when a returning student enrollment is completed, payable through Online Enrollment
If your current student is signed up for continuous enrollment, the $450 Registration Fee is collected in January instead of the usual monthly tuition payment.

Enrollment Information

Applications are accepted year-round for any remaining openings or wait pools in grades without openings.

Continuous Enrollment

Annual fee billed in January

Opt-out deadline: December 15th each year.

Covenant Academy has implemented Continuous Enrollment, where only the annual Enrollment/Registration Fee of $450 per student will be assessed annually in the month of January. This is a one-time enrollment process where your student stays enrolled until they either graduate or opt out of enrollment for the next school year.

As your child is initially enrolled, you will be asked to agree to the terms of the contract, which states the following: “I hereby opt into continuous enrollment. This means that my student will continue coming back to Covenant every year unless I tell the school otherwise. I understand that I have until December 15th, each subsequent school year, to notify the school office of any changes in my plans of enrollment for my child.”

Returning families who did NOT opt-in to Continuous Enrollment the prior year must complete the online enrollment AND pay the $450 Enrollment/Registration Fee by January 31 to have class placement priority. Classroom placement is not reserved until the enrollment fee has been paid as stated above. Covenant Academy reserves the right to not re-enroll any student if his or her account with Covenant Academy is delinquent.

Open Enrollment for New Students

Open enrollment begins February 1st

Applications post-deadline are on a rolling, space-available basis. Waiting pool applications will be accepted after a grade is filled. If a place becomes available in a previously closed grade, all applicants in the waiting pool for that grade will be notified on the same date and given one week to activate their application if they are interested. All activated waiting pool applicants will be considered together.
Please contact the Admissions Office to inquire about availability in specific grade levels.

Other Fees

  • FACTS Fee: Annual fee of $20-50, based on the number of payments.
  • Returned Payment Fee: $30 for returned payments.
  • Late Fee: $29 for unpaid balances over 5 days old.

Incidental Charges

These items are billed separately each month through FACTS and include but are not limited to the following:

  • School Uniforms
  • Spirit Wear
  • School/Art Supplies
  • Scientific Calculators
  • Retreats/Overnight Field Trips (Grades 7-12)
  • Emergency Lunches
  • Participation in ACSI or TAPPS competitions
  • Participation in Athletics
  • Consumable Athletic Wear (items like shoes and warm-up jerseys that cannot be passed on each year)
  • AP or College Entrance Exam Fees
  • Participation in After School Clubs or Honor Societies
  • Summer Enrichment Courses/Camps
  • Before/After School Care.

Enrollment Information

FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment

For financial need analysis. Apply via the FACTS Grant & Aid portal.

Patriot Scholarship

Need and merit-based for high school students. Criteria outlined in the application.

For detailed tuition, fees, and financial aid information, please refer to our resources and downloadable guides below.


*Conducts the financial need analysis for Covenant Academy to determine if a family is financially qualified for tuition assistance. Existing students must be re-enrolled for the upcoming school year, and new students must submit an Online Application to the school before applying.

*Use this link to access the FACTS Grant & Aid portal.

*The Patriot scholarship is a need and merit-based scholarship available to Covenant High School students. A limited number of scholarships are available each year and will be awarded to the most qualified applicants. Specific criteria must be met as outlined in the application which will be submitted to Mrs. Collins to determine eligibility.

Need Help?

For more information or assistance with tuition and fees, please contact our Admissions Office!

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